
Mark Atkins Photographer
Mark Atkins Photographer

Mark’s interest in photography started at age seven when he was handed a Box Brownie and two rolls of 12 exposure film. In the space of a few hours, Mark was looking for more film, having exposed the two rolls and completely unaware of the cost of developing film, he was keen to take more photos.

During his childhood years Mark ran more film through that Box Brownie than he’d care to remember, and I’m sure his mother who was funding this hobby would also be keen to forget.

At age 19, Mark purchased his first Film SLR (single lens reflex) camera and headed overseas with his then girlfriend, now wife Peta, to see and photograph more of the world. Returning from a couple of months overseas with wads of developed photos and a bag full of film to be developed.

During his mid twenty’s Mark was deeply entrenched in the corporate world of Banking and Finance, with photography taking a back seat to career aspirations of conquering the world of Economics, Mark’s film cameras sat gathering dust for years before being sold.

By chance Mark stumbled across Photography again after taking what was meant to be a short six month hiatus from the corporate world to travel around Australia with his wife Peta and their two children Samuel and Ryan.

Leaving Perth in early 2003, Mark and his family spent nine months on the road exploring various seaside villages and towns and documenting the trip on a ‘Point and Shoot’ digital camera, which had piqued Mark’s interest in photography again.

Half-way round Australia, Mark and Peta fell in love with the North Coast of NSW and decided to settle near Byron Bay. It was at this point that Mark decided to Buy a Digital SLR camera and shortly thereafter pursue a career as a Professional Photographer.

In the short time since starting his photography business in 2004, Mark’s work has been published in books and magazines as well as winning numerous awards.

Photography is ever-changing and all photographers would admit that you never stop learning, new challenges pop up all the time and need to be met with a positive attitude and creative thinking, something that Mark thrives on.

Clients that have commissioned Mark and continue to use his services include Seminyak Gallery, Na Papa Surfboards, Rubbersoul Boardriding Co and the Glass Art Studio to name just a few.

Mark’s approach to his work is Professional yet Casual and he has the ability to produce exceptional results that capture the imagination.